Dolmetschen für Gewaltopfer
Webinar zum Thema Dolmetschen für Gewaltopfer unter Mitwirkung von Harald Pasch bei VHS Favoriten ( im Rahmen des Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich):
Online-Vortrag von Katia Iacono
zu Transnational Patient Mobility an der Universitat Jaume I am 2. April 2025 um 16 Uhr.
Informationen unter:
Interpreting Europe Conference 2025 Brüssel mit ZTW-Beteiligung
Am 06. und 07.02.2025 lud die Generaldirektion Dolmetschen der Europäische Kommission zur Interpreting Europe Conference in Brüssel ein. Rund 400 Teilnehmer*innen vor Ort und 700 weitere per Live-Streaming folgten der Einladung in das Charlemagne Conference Centre in der belgischen Hauptstadt. Die Konferenz widmete sich unter dem Motto „AI x AI Artificial Intelligence for Augmented Interpretation“ in zahlreichen Programmpunkten den Herausforderungen in Berufspraxis, Forschung und Ausbildung, die Künstliche Intelligenz auch für die EU-Institutionen mit sich bringt.
Interpreting Research Group Homepage – unter Aktuelles
Training Pyramid: „Ausbildungspyramide Dialogdolmetschen“
NEW: This interactive PDF file provides an overview of different levels of dialogue interpreting training in Austria.
Download here:
(Open with PDF Reader by ADOBE Acrobat for full functionality)
The pyramid was developed by the Platform Dialogue Interpreting ( and is linked with the Dialogue Interpreting Database (
Pöllabauer, Sonja, Florika Grießner, Şebnem Bahadır-Berzig, Martina Behr, Annika Bergunde, Cornelia Feyrer, Nadja Grbić, Mira Kadrić, Maria Oberhofer, Katharina Redl (2024). Ausbildungspyramide Dialogdolmetschen. Interaktive PDF file, Plattform Dialogue Interpreting. Vienna: Centre for Translation Studies. DOI:
As an answer to the increasingly large number of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers arriving to Europe, the EU-WEBPSI project seeks to present a common European framework for professional public service interpreting (PSI), focusing on the training and certification of interpreters for languages of limited diffusion (LLD), and utilizing the possibilities offered by video-mediated interpreting (VMI).
To achieve these goals, the project brings together ten differents partners hailing from reception authorities, interpreting agencies, and universities, each covering different stages and topics within the project. As university partners, the team from the University of Vienna is covering the topic of LLD, contributing with its research and teaching experience and lead by Prof. Sonja Pöllabauer.
NEW – 2 publications for a legal audience with a focus on interpreting in an asylum context and for queer asylum applicants in BDVR-Rundschreiben:
Bergunde, Annika/Bosse, Marike/Pöllabauer, Sonja (2024) Qualifizierte Dolmetschende als Dreh- und Angelpunkt für ein qualitätsvolles Asylverfahren – eine Annäherung mit Fokus auf Deutschland. BDVR-Rundschreiben. Zeitschrift für die Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit 56 (2), 23–26. |
Bergunde, Annika/Faller, Elias/Pöllabauer, Sonja/Schneider, Benjamin (2024) LGBTIQ+? Queer? SOGIESC? – und das noch auf Arabisch oder Farsi oder Urdu oder ...? Ein Blick auf die Situation in Deutschland. BDVR-Rundschreiben. Zeitschrift für die Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit 56 (2), 18–22. |
New publication:
“We have a damn duty” What motivates volunteer interpreters to engage in activist interpreting in abortion clinics?
Sonja Pöllabauer, Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk, Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger & Viktoria Straczek-Helios
NEW: A new collective volume has been published as part of the ReTrans project
Katia Iacono / Barbara Heinisch / Sonja Pöllabauer (Hg. / eds.)
Zwischenstationen / Inbetween
Kommunikation mit geflüchteten Menschen / Communicating with Refugees
Frank & Timme, Berlin
Judith Platter as keynote speaker at ECOS24 in Athens
After ECOS’ 6th edition held in Vienna 2022 and organized by the Centre for Translation Studies in cooperation with the Austrian Speech-to-text Interpreters' Association ÖSDV, Speech-to-Text interpreters will convene for the 7th time at the European Conference of Speech-to-Text Interpreters in Athens, from July 26th until July 28th 2024. The conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, language service providers and other stakeholders within the field of speech-to-text interpreting (STTI).
As invited keynote speaker Judith Platter will share her insights on STTI in Austria tracing the pathway from emerging profession to established accessibility service.
Open calls for papers
11th EST Congress – Panel 26: Linguistic vulnerabilities in translation and interpreting in transnational patient mobility
The term "transnational patient mobility" refers to people from a specific country seeking medical treatment in another. This global phenomenon raises ethical questions and can be motivated by factors like cost, availability and perceived quality of care. Despite its importance, there's limited research on the linguistic and cultural aspects of this mobility. While healthcare interpreting has been studied extensively, there's less focus on the unique communication challenges of transnational patient mobility.
Panel 26 seeks to explore these challenges and ethical issues. We invite submissions on the following topics:
- Stakeholder challenges
- Cooperation and decision-making
- Interpreter, translator and language facilitator roles
- Activism and feminist approaches
- Motivational aspects related to communication, interpretation or translation
- Needs and challenges of specific patient groups
- Bioethics and health communication with a focus on interpretation or translation
- Structural conditions and translation policies
For further information, see:
Panel chairs: Sonja Pöllabauer, Katia Iacono and Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk
Just – Special issue: Linguistic vulnerabilities and translation and interpreting in transnational patient mobility
Authors are invited to submit 500- to 700-word abstracts, excluding references, in English, Spanish or Catalan. We welcome case studies, data-driven research and methodological discussions from various disciplinary perspectives, including translation and interpreting studies on the topic of transnational patient mobility.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Stakeholder challenges
- Types of cooperation, risk management, issues of informed consent and decision-making
- Role spaces of interpreters, translators and other language workers
- Linguistic issues in ensuring legal protection for patients
- Activism and feminist approaches
- Motivational aspects related to communication, interpretation or translation
- Needs and challenges of specific patient groups
- Bioethics and health communication with a focus on interpretation or translation
- Structural conditions and translation policies
For further information, see:
Guest editors: Sonja Pöllabauer and Katia Iacono
New journal publication by Sonja Pöllabauer
Sonja Pöllabauer published a research article entitled "'Not everyday business'. A caseworker perspective on interpreter provision for deaf refugees and cooperation with interpreters" in the newest issue of Just.
Link to the full article:
Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures – Spanish translation
The Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures has been translated into Spanish based on the original English version of 2017. It is available on Refworld (open access):
New journal publication by Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk, Sonja Pöllabauer and Viktoria Straczek-Helios
Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk, Sonja Pöllabauer and Viktoria Straczek-Helios published a research article entitled "'The heart will stop beating.' Ethical issues in activist interpreting – the case of Ciocia Wienia" in the newest issue of Interpreting.
Link to the article:
New commemorative publication by Mira Kadrić, Waltraud Kolb and Sonja Pöllabauer
The new commemorative publication entitled "Translation als Gestaltung. Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis" by Mira Kadrić, Waltraud Kolb and Sonja Pöllabauer can now be ordered online.
For further details, see:
New blog post by Annika Bergunde, Elias Faller and Sonja Pöllabauer
The new blog post entitled "LGBTIQ+? Queer? SOGIESC? Und das noch auf Arabisch oder Farsi oder Urdu oder ...?" by Annika Bergunde, Elias Faller and Sonja Pöllabauer is now available online.
Link to the blog post:
New journal publication by Sonja Pöllabauer, Katia Iacono, Harald Pasch and Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger
Sonja Pöllabauer, Katia Iacono, Harald Pasch and Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger published a research article entitled "'If we're lucky, we recognise potential.' A study of admission criteria and entrance screening practices in public service interpreter training" in the newest issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer.
Link to the article:
Ivana Havelka and Katia Iacono presented "Digital Competencies for Intercultural Interpreting" at the INTERPRET Conference on September 16, 2023, in Bern.
In the workshop led by Katia and Ivana, digital competencies were showcased through all phases of the technology-assisted interpreting process, from preparation to the actual interpretation. Demonstrations were provided on how computer and AI technologies can aid in preparation, along with technology-supported notation during interpretation. A significant part of the workshop was dedicated to exploring the nuances of dialog interpreting via video and audio, with role-playing exercises facilitating this exploration. The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of digital competencies and to devise strategies for professional conduct during video and audio interpreting sessions, thereby promoting intercultural understanding.
Laura Andrea González Figueroa at the InDialog4 Conference
As academic partners of the WebPSI project, Sonja Pöllabauer and Laura Andrea González Figueroa were in Ghent on the 20th of September to attend the General Assembly and the Executive Committee of the project. The project was also presented as a panel on the 19th of September during the conference InDialog 4, where Laura González held a presentation on working with and training interpreters for Languages of Limited Diffusion.
Judith Platter participating in symposium on speech recognition at the Austrian Parliament
On Friday, November 10th 2023, practitioners, decision makers and researches will meet at a symposium organized by the Austrian Parliament dedicated to fully automated speech-recognition tools in institutional contexts, where speech-to-text reporting/interpreting is required for ensuring statutory procedures in legislation. Judith Platter will participate as panelist in a discussion dedicated to future potentials and challenges.
NEW journal publication by Katia Iacono and Harald Pasch
Katia Iacono and Harald Pasch published a paper entitled "Facing social, emotional and technological challenges in the virtual interpreting classroom" in the newest issue of FITISPos International Journal.
Link to the issue:
Workshop by Harald Pasch
On the 19th of April 2023 Harald Pasch hosted a workshop for the interpreters of the styrian Violence Protection Centre on interpreting in the context of GBV. During the three hour workshop participants had the chance to discuss trust-building, cooperation and self-care, as well as quesions concerning role boundaries and ethical decision-making.
Photo©: Gewaltschutzzentrum Steiermark
Guest lecture by Judith Platter
On Monday, April 24th, 2023 Judith Platter will be holding a guest lecture on the topic of speech-to-text interpreting at the University of Innsbruck. The lecture will take place between 3:30pm and 5pm in seminar room 2 at the Institute of Translation Studies and will discuss challenges in the profession, as well as training opportunities and steps towards professionalisation.
New publications
Two contributions by Sonja Pöllabauer and Mira Kadrić in the Handbook of Public Service Interpreting:
Pöllabauer, S 2023, Research on Interpreter-Mediated Asylum Interviews. in L Gavioli & C Wadensjö (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, New York, pp. 140–154.
Kadric, M & Pöllabauer, S 2023, Education and Training of Public Service Interpreter Teachers. in L Gavioli & C Wadensjö (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, New York, S. 414–428.
For further details follow this link.
Workpackage 3 of our ReTrans project has officially started
We're happy to announce that the next step of the ReTrans project has started. It features the production of training videos and educasts on community interpreting. #ReTransInterpreting
WP2 and Quality Assurance Committee - next meeting of project partners
The Retrans project activities resume after the holidays, with the internal project partners' meeting taking place on 12 January 2023. There, the project partners will review the progress of WP2 project activities. In addition, the meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee will also be held.
ReTrans Multiplier Event
A multiplier event addressing the communication and interpreting needs of refugees including arrival and initial reception situations will be held on January 10, 2023, 1:15-3:45 pm CET. The event will be led in German. Join the event online by clicking on the following link: #ReTransInterpreting
Official launch of the ReTrans Project Website
Our ReTrans project website is now officially public! Here you can read about our activities related to our EU funded project on capacity building and awareness raising for interpreting in humanitarian and transborder migration contexts!
Presentation by ReTrans members at the 3rd E-conference on Translation, Migration Movements in Andalusia in its National and European Context
Presentation by ReTrans members at the 3rd E-conference on Translation, Migration Movements in Andalusia in its National and European Context
Today, the Erasmus+ Retrans project partners from Vienna and Maribor, Katia Iacono, Sara Orthaber, and Aleksandra Nuč Blažič, presented a paper at the 3rd E-conference on Translation, Migration Movements in Andalusia in its National and European Context (
Workshop in Kooperation mit Queerbase, VHS-lernraum Wien, UNHCR Österreich und dem Projekt ReTrans
„Dolmetschen ohne Unbehagen für LGBTIQ+Personen im Asyl- und Polizeibereich": Informationen und Anmeldung unter:
Ein Prozess, vier Sprachen...
10.11.2022, 19h - Im Rahmen des Veranstaltungsprogramms zur Ausstellung "Ein Prozess, vier Sprachen" an der Universität Innsbruck ist Karin Reithofer eine der beiden Rednerinnen zum Thema Zukunft des Konferenz-dolmetschens. In ihrem Vortrag beleuchtet sie die Rolle des Englischen als Lingua franca und dessen Auswirkungen auf das Konferenzdolmetschen und diverse Konferenzdolmetsch-Settings.
Sie möchten dem Vortrag online am 10. November um 19 Uhr folgen? Klicken Sie auf den Link für weitere Details:
Workshop "Producing your own podcast" with Julia Ritter
Workshop "Producing your own podcast" with Julia Ritter
What is a podcast? What types of podcasts are there? How do you make your own podcast? What do you need to consider when podcasting?
All these questions and more were tackled on September 30th, 2022 when Julia Ritter, journalist and podcaster of "Die Buch. Der feministische Buchpodcast" held an introductory workshop for ReTrans-members and interested participants to enable them to create their own podcasts.
Presentation by Katia Iacono
September 2022 – Symposium Dolmetschen im Gesundheits- und Gemeinwesen Perspektiven, Qualifizierung & zukünftige Entwicklungen
Katia Iacono held a presentation about the development of community interpreting in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
For further details see the symposium programme:
TRANS 2022 in Maribor
TRANS 2022 in Maribor
In the days of August 28th to September 04th Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger joined the events of the TRANS network in Maribor, Slovenia, with her presentation entitled "Material evidence? Pinning down interpreting practices through multimodal analysis of counselling centres' websites".
The symposium and summer school brought together translation scholars from central and eastern european universities to engage in an exchange of thoughts on Translation and Interpreting in an inclusive and global society.
First ReTrans dissemination meeting in full swing!
A glimpse from our first online dissemination meeting shows that the project ReTrans "Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones: Capacity Building and Awareness-raising for Higher Education Contexts 2022-2024" is in full swing.
More updates soon!
Conference presentation by Vera Ahamer
Photo ©:
Conference presentation by Vera Ahamer
June 2022 - Conference presentation by Vera Ahamer at the 1st International Conference on the Right to Languages: Linguistic Policies and Translation and Interpreting in Public Services and Institutions (Càtedra Drets Lingüístics - Universitat de València).
Vera Ahamer held a presentation about the impact of Language Policies on Community Interpreting in Austria.
For further details, see:
Harald Pasch presenting at the Positionings doctoral conference
At the doctoral conference "Positionierungen/Positionings: Selbsreferenzialität in translationswissenschaftlichen Dissertationsprojekten" at the Department of Translation Studies of the University of Graz on the 09h – 10th June 2022, Harald Pasch presented his dissertation project on interpreting in Violence Protection Centres with a focus on positionality and field access.
Photo©: Organising Committee of the doctoral conference
Conference paper by Waltraud Kolb & Sonja Pöllabauer
Source: New Jersey Women’s History website, US intellectual property
Conference paper by Waltraud Kolb & Sonja Pöllabauer
May 2022 – History and Translation Network Conference (Tallinn, Estland)
By adopting a microhistorical approach, Waltraud Kolb and Sonja Pöllabauer presented a study of a 17th-century female interpreter in the Dutch colony of New Netherland.
The conference on multidisciplinary perspectives on history and translation took place from 25-28 May 2022 at Tallin University. For further details, see the conference programme here:
ReTrans Project - Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones: Capacity Building and Awareness Raising for Higher Education Context
The ReTrans project - Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones: Capacity Building and Awareness Raising for Higher Education, supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (KA220-HED Cooperation Partnerships in Tertiary Education), was launched in May and will run until 2024, with the Centre for Translation Studies at University of Vienna, Austria, as the lead partner. The project involves four further project partners, namely: Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, Ioninan University, Corfu, Greece, and University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness among students and teachers of higher education institutions for the training of interpreters in the field of community interpreting in humanitarian and cross-border migration contexts, and to contribute to the diversity of didactic materials through the development of different educational tools. The project gives a voice to stakeholders in the field (refugees, lay interpreters with a migration background, representatives of institutions) who will be involved in the development of didactic materials, thus creating a forum for exchange between higher education institutions for interpreting and other relevant actors in the field. The main target group of the project are interpreting students, for whom the didactic materials will provide an insight into an interpreting setting, which is usually not at the forefront of the curricula of higher education training institutions.
Impact.Award 2022 goes to Harald Pasch
Impact.Award 2022 goes to Harald Pasch
The Impact.Award funded by the City of Vienna Cultural Affairs is being awarded to active PhD students of the University of Vienna who pursue outstanding doctoral research that has the potential to reach beyond scientific circles to positively impact on society, culture and economy.
We congratulate Harald Pasch to winning this year’s impact award with his PhD project on “Interpreting as cooperative action in legally recognized victim protection organizations”.
For more information, click here:
Conference presentation by Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
At the conference "Diversity & Inclusion across Languages: Insights into communicative challenges from theory to practice" at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, taking place on the 29th – 30th May 2022, Maria Bernadette Zwischenberger presented on translation and interpreting practices in Austrian counselling centres for women and girls to address diversity and foster inclusion.
For the full programme click here:
Ab Mitte April 2022 werden wieder Module des Lehrgangs zum Dolmetschen im Asyl- und Polizeibereich angeboten.
Angeboten wird der Basislehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) vom der VHS Wien, in Zusammenarbeit mit UNHCR Österreich und dem Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft der Universität Wien als Trägerinnen.
Weitere Informationen zum Lehrgang, zu Terminen und zur ANMELDUNG:
Basislehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich)
EVENT: 26.4.2022 - Introduction to Interpreting for Ukrainian and Russian language mediators
EVENT: 26.4.2022 - Introduction to Interpreting for Ukrainian and Russian language mediators
Introductory event on interpreting for language mediators working with Ukrainian and/or Russian organized by UNHCR and the Centre for Translation Studies. Join this event on 26th April 2022, 4-5.30pm on Zoom
This event will be held in German.
For more information, click here
NEW Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Proceedings – revised second edition of the English adaptation of the handbook
The revised second edition of the Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Proceedings is now available, both on Refworld (open access) and in bookstores:
- UNHCR Austria/Pöllabauer, Sonja (ed.) (2022) Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures. 2nd and revised edition. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
This handbook, now in its second, updated and expanded edition, responds to the need for qualified interpreters in asylum procedures by offering a theoretical insight into a variety of topics relevant to interpreters in the asylum context, as well as activities and exercises enabling experiential and interactive learning. It provides a broad insight into the challenges of interpreting in an asylum context and can be used for self-study and for interpreter training.
Photo ©: UNHCR/G. Gordon
NEW database on dialogue interpreting training courses (Austrian context)
The database is managed by the 'Plattform Dialogdolmetschen' (interinstitutional network on teaching dialogue interpreting), which is an association of universities and non-university institutions with the aim to foster research and implementation of qualification and certification measures in the field of interpreting for public institutions. The platform can be reached through the following link:
Photo ©:
Working Paper - Digitalisation and its impact on interpreters. Results of the survey on audio and video interpreting [in German]
The working paper discusses the results of a survey conducted to determine the impact of digitalisation on the professional life of interpreters with special focus on video and audio interpreting, remote working place, digital skills and further education.
Authors: Katia Iacono, Ivana Havelka und Katerina Sinclair
NEW Revised second edition of the Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren [Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Proceedings]
With generous support by TRAUNER Verlag the revised second edition of the German Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren has now been published:
The handbook was edited by UNHCR Austria and includes contributions from members of the Vienna Interpreting Research Group. It provides a broad insight into the challenges of interpreting in an asylum context and can be used for self-study and for interpreter training.
Photo ©: UNHCR/G. Gordon
Fire-Ti on "Interpreting in a Project Network Using the Example of a TV-Reportage"
Mira Kadrić and Katia Iacono presented on interpreters as part of a project network
More information in English
Outgoing: CIUTI Forschungsstipendium vergeben an Monika Stögerer, BA MA
Wir wünschen eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Bart Defrancq an der Universität Gent! Im Rahmen Stipendiums werden dissertationsrelevante Forschungsaufenthalte an teilnehmenden CIUTI Partneruniversitäten gefördert. Nähere Infos:
Connected education and the co-construction of knowledge in a joint course for law and interpreting students.
Article on joint course for law and interpreting students published in the current issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia.
Authors: Mira Kadric, Sylvi Rennert & Dalibor Mikic
Photo ©: M. Kadric
The interinstitutional network with a focus on teaching dialogue interpreting is now online!
Researchers and teachers from the universities in Graz, Innsbruck and Vienna and representatives of UNHCR Austria have joined forces in an interinstitutional network focusing on training in the field of dialogue interpreting:
Photo ©:
New edition of the Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures released!
2nd edition of the Handbook for Interpreters in Asylum Procedures (German version) released!
Available open access on RefWorld:
Photo ©: UNHCR/G. Gordon
New working paper published online!
A working paper with the title "Overview of qualification and awareness-raising initiatives in the field of dialogue interpreting in Austria (2001-2021)" has been published online.
Original title: Übersichtsdarstellung zu Qualifizierungs- und Sensibilisierungsinitiativen im Bereich Dialogdolmetschen in Österreich (2001-2021).
Link to the working paper:
Photo ©: S. Pöllabauer